The Artistic Island was created by the independent curator Mr.John Weng in 2005.
This art space's goal is to encourage young promising chinese contempory art talents, by helping them selling their works, organizing art events, or build up new connections inside and outside the art district.
The Artistic Island was created by the independent curator Mr.John Weng in 2005.
This art space's goal is to encourage young promising chinese contempory art talents, by helping them selling their works, organizing art events, or build up new connections inside and outside the art district.
- 类别 : ...
- 电话 : +8610-64315781/+8610-67469703
- Email : tim.wom@126.com
- 地 址 : .车库区:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号大山子798艺术区水塔区:北京酒厂ART国际艺术园水塔 北京朝阳区安外北苑北湖渠朝阳酒厂内
- 交通指南 :