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798 ICI LABAS 艺栈


798 ICI LABAS艺栈的成立为798园区增添了新的气息,为艺术家提供了新的天地,为中外文化交流搭建了新的平台。艺栈将秉承融汇东西、鼓励创新、搭建平台、服务大众的理念,让东西方文化在这里得以交流,让年轻的艺术家在这里施展才华,让广大民众在这里得到艺术的享受,让中华优秀文化从这里走向世界。 艺栈的主要活动: ——艺术展览 艺栈将向艺术家提供210平米的展示空间,接受来自中外艺术家的展出申请。特别鼓励青年艺术家的创作,并提供相应的帮助。 ——文化论坛 艺栈开放期间将定期或不定期地举办各种研讨会、报告会,邀请著名艺术评论家、理论家讲课、座谈,欢迎广大艺术爱好者前来参与。 ——交流活动 为推动中外文化交流的开展,艺栈还将承接和举办各种文化交流活动,积极参与国家“一带一路”建设,用艺术的语言讲好中国故事。 2017年是艺栈的起点,我们希望它能为大家带来美的感受和祝福,共享艺术的清新和快乐。 798 ICI-LABAS Art House ICI-LABAS Art House inaugurated its opening at 798 by hosting a solo show of Francis DeLenclos, a French painter in January 2017. The founding of ICI-LABAS Art House has brought in a new aura for 798, a new space for artists as well as a new platform of cultural exchanges between the mainland China and the international community. ICI-LABAS Art House intends to be with a vision to integrate cultures of the Orient, the West, and the others, advocate innovation, build up a platform of exchanges, and serve the public. Thus, cultures of the Orient and the West as well as the others could be integrated on this platform; work by younger artists could be shown here, viewers could enjoy their art, and the Chinese art in excellence could go to the world out of here. ICI-LABAS Art House major event— exhibition ICI-LABAS Art House offers its gallery space of 210m2 to showcase works by artists. ICI-LABAS Art House would like to work with artists by encouraging them, especially younger and emerging ones at home and abroad to hand in their exhibition proposals. ICI-LABAS Art House – culture and art forum ICI-LABAS Art House hosts a variety of events such as seminars and talks by engaging critics, historians, theorists and art lovers. ICI-LABAS Art House—exchange activity ICI-LABASS Art House would like to receive and co-host all kinds of cultural exchanges in order to promote cultural exchanges between the mainland China and the international community; to involve actively in building-up “One Belt, One Road” by telling interesting Chinese stories using artistic expressions. The year of 2017 is a starter for ICI-LABAS Art House. We hope that it could bring to the public in general best wishes and good feelings through enjoying art. January, 2017




地址:798东街 #D10号


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