“多元世代 固执己见”北京新时代画廊开幕展
由金《金亭》 布面油画 140cm×200cm 2006年
由金作品解析:   高度发展的科技和讯息社会,一切瞬息万变,导致了人类知识空前膨胀。经济的稳定高速发展,促使消费文化发展和消费欲望高涨。上述约束并影响着当代人们的心理运作机制和行为模式,也影响着人们在日常生活和艺术创作中的品味取向、言语要求。信息资讯加强了文化及其产品的符号化。而高科技高效率生产出来的产品,渗透到社会生活各领域,加强刺激现代人们的消费意识。在这一科技发展与消费转型的重要时期,人们的生活、交往和存在方式发生了前所未有的变化,人们生活的这个世界也透射着光怪陆离的面貌。   扬弃限制创作自由的传统语言,寻求一种近平面化的、无特定深度的典型表象呈现,通过各种炫目的符号、色彩和光的多重组合去建构万物,从而使得表象自由而无限地展现其背后所潜藏的存在的真实性和可能性。这不仅满足现代社会的人们对于感官的直接强烈的刺激需求,而且也在色彩缤纷、灿烂绚丽中透露出了现代社会与世界的繁华、浮华、欲望与虚无。展现出现代人生活的世界、现代人生活的状态与特征。   艳丽刺目的色彩、光及有机线条形成强烈的韵律感与动感,强调了视觉感官的刺激。   物象以虚幻的形象呈现,强调个人艺术语汇创造性特征。   强调画面中光与色的有机构成与统一。   画面精致,对比强烈,表现手法放纵而又克制严谨。 艺术主张:   以色彩、线、光为画面表现语言。   物象以个人符号化语汇特征表现。   画面呈现着绚丽繁华、冷静沉郁、升华毁灭的氛围,展示出奢华、消费与享乐主义之背后的危机与隐患。   In the information and technological society, everything is undergoing constant changes, which leads to unprecedented knowledge explosion. The stable and high-speed development of economy spurs the development of a consumer culture and man’s desire to consume. These not only regulate and affect man’s psychology and patterns of behavior, but also shape their tastes, inclinations, language, and demands. Informatization prompts the semiotization of culture and its products. Products created by high technology with high efficiency are now penetrating every aspect of social life, enhancing and stimulating man’s consumption-consciousness. This is a vital period of technological development and consumptive transformation. With the styles of living, friend-making and being experiencing unprecedented changes, the world becomes bizarre and bewildering.   Discard the conventional language that affects creative freedom and attempt to present the archetypal appearances which are two-dimensional and without depth. Construct objects by resorting to multiple combinations of all kinds of brilliant codes, colors and light, so that the appearances may become free and infinite revelations of the hidden truth and possibility lying underneath. In their colorfulness and brilliance, they not only satisfy man’s demand for direct and intense sensual excitements, but also reflect the bustlingness, flashiness, desires and emptiness of the modern world and give us a glimpse of the conditions and characteristics of modern man’s life and the world he lives in.   Put emphasis on the stimulation of visual excitement by using flamboyant colors, light and organic lines to create a strong sense of rhythm and movement.   Put emphasis on the unique creativeness of an individualistic artistic language and make the objects appear evasive and unreal.   Put emphasis on the unity and organic combination of light and color on the painted surface.   The paintings appear exquisite, with the intense contrasts and the free but carefully-contained style of expression. Artistic Position:   Use colors, lines and light as his expressive languages.   Represent objects with an individualistic semiotized language.   The paintings reveal the crisis and hidden dangers lying under the cover of luxuriousness,consumerism and hedonism by creating senses of bustlingness, flamboyance,dispassionateness, melancholiness, sublimeness and destructiveness, and.