置身于五彩斑斓的艺术世界之中,北京视觉经典美术馆将以其特有的优势和手段构建自身的艺术品格,追求崇高的艺术理想:即让人们享受艺术精品的魅力;使人们感悟艺术审美的关怀;为人们提供艺术哲理的探索;给人们增添艺术生活的天趣⋯⋯北京视觉经典美术馆将担当起为促进文艺创作的繁荣,为加强文艺理论的建设,为深化艺术教育的普及,为确保艺术市场的健康,为加快艺术人才的培养不懈努力,勇于实践的历史责任。在有限的空间里,为中国文艺事业的繁荣发展抒写绚丽的画卷。 北京视觉经典美术馆面向社会,具有展览、收藏、交流、研究和普及美学教育的功能,并推出会员制,俱乐部会员可享受贵宾待遇,体现身份和象征。将定期举办俱乐部会员活动,设有艺术家沙龙,使您在亲临艺海中,品茗叙事,提高精神生活的质量。 北京视觉经典美术馆欢迎艺术界的贤达智者和各位朋友光临!诚邀大家与我们共同合作与交流!
The Museum of Visual Art is centrally located in the heart of Beijing, just north of Chang’an Street at Dong Dan, providing a unique and elegant setting for artistic exhibition, exchange, research and education. The multifunctional venue totals 800 square meters of floor space across two levels. The first floor, totaling 515 square-meters, is comprised of the reception, gift shop and 290 square-meters of exhibition space featuring over 30 meters of soaring, five meter-high wall space. The 285 square-meter second floor contains the gallery lounge and an additional 110 square meters of exhibition space.
The Museum of Visual Art is, however, more than a gallery but rather a space where artistic theory, practice and contemplation come to mingle. With a social service-oriented program of exhibitions and events, the Museum of Visual Art seeks to promote exposure and appreciation of art in every form it takes. The Museum of Visual Art’s VIP membership not only offers exclusive privileges at the museum, but provides its members access to special engagements and regular members-only events as well as a constantly-evolving program of rare artistic experiences.The Museum of Visual Art will open on March 20, 2010.