Image courtesy the artist and Magician Space
“安全感”是胡小芳项目的第三阶段。2015年,胡尹萍居住的工作室遭到房东非法暴力拆迁。房东雇凶打砸恶意入室行凶,令她对周遭安全性和社会环境产生强烈质疑,并滋生出强烈的自我防护意识,思考遭遇意外时可能实现的自我防御。胡尹萍让“小芳”向小镇阿姨们提出一个问题,“如果有人威胁到你和家人的安全,你会用什么样的武器去保护自己和家人不受伤害?” 沟通后,阿姨们把自己的想象的保护家人的方式用毛线织出来。生活的不同使阿姨们给出了各不相同的答案,最后形成两类作品:一类来自于现实生活,一类存在于意识与想象之中。
Sense of Security
Event, HD video, c-print
“Sense of Security” is the third stage of the project Hu Xiaofang. In 2015, Hu Yinping’s studio was demolished illegally and violently by the landlord. The landlord's vandalism and vicious home invasion caused her to question the safety of her surroundings and the social environment, developing a strong sense of self-protection and thinking about possible self-defence in the event of an accident. Yinping let “Xiaofang” pose a question to the mothers in the town, “If someone ever threatens you and your family’s safety, what kind of weapons would you use to protect yourself?” After collecting their answers, the mothers were invited to transform their answers into woollen stuff. Different life experiences lead to different answers, and the works could be categorized in two ways: one derived from their daily life, the other from minds and imaginations. ... 展开