

展览时间: 2018.04.14 2018.06.24



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古埃及人将天视为女神努特,她弓起身体,双手撑地,头和双腿分别象征着西方和东方天际的尽头。夜晚来临,太阳被她无情地吞噬,在腹中穿越重重危险和障碍,终于重获新生。当阿赫特(地平线)升起的第一缕阳... 展开




The body of a woman bent with her arms on the ground, her head marking the western border of the sky, while her arms limit the eastern one. This is how ancient Egyptians represented the sky, with the arched goddess Nut, who cyclically gives birth to the sun every morning. This is the starting moment of the journey in Egypt.

Egypt. House of Eternity, the exhibition that takes the Nile Valley to China through the Museo Egizio, which bears like a monolithic pylon the symbolic load of the time and space connection between the ancient land of the Pharaohs to the thousands-years-old Chinese audience.

The exhibition offers a journey through space and time, starting from the moment when light defeats darkness; when the day of the ancient Egyptians starts, and the first rays of light rise from the akhet (the horizon) and light up the Kemet, the Black Land (Egypt). Under the burning sun of Egypt, bent on the fields, the peasants work the land ruled by the high functionaries, whose richly attired wives enjoy the cool and shady home gardens.

The light of the afternoon and the green of regeneration, introduces the section dedicated to religion, where a parallel journey starts, going from South to North through several religious cults.

When the day comes to an end and the sun sets in the West, it is relentlessly swallowed by the god Nut, whose womb is filled with danger and obstacles that can be overcome only thanks to the ritual, the funerary equipment and the power of magic formulas.

For Egypt. House of Eternity a selection of almost 150 prestigious sets of objects from the collection. 收起


展览时间: 2018.04.14 2018.06.24



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